18 août 2007

Gimme Your Stuff: un site d'échanges

Gimme Your Stuff

Le site Gimme Your Stuff propose aux internautes de faire des échanges d'objets : vous envoyez des articles que vous fabriquez ou que vous trouvez dans votre pays ou votre région, et vous en recevez d'autres en échanges.
Comme ça me tente bien, voici mon message:

Hi, my name is Plume and I live in Marseille, France.

I can send:

  • french books and magazines, postcards etc
  • beads, yarn and other craft things
  • small things I can sew or knit, bags or toys for example
  • sweets and other foods from France
  • homemade cookies or sweets
  • specialities from Provence: soap, olive oil, preserves, lavender, perfume, sweets etc
  • make-up
  • paintings (watercolor) or drawings
  • CDs
  • french recipes (I can translate in english)
  • french poscards and stamps

I can send other things too, just ask!

I would like:

  • food items from your country (no sweets or things containing dairy please), I'm very interested in food items from Japan and Asia in general
  • craft things, beads, ribbons, buttons, fabrics, yarn etc
  • books in english
  • kawaii things (I like Hello Kitty and Pucca best)
  • bento accessories (boxes, cutters, etc)
  • recipes from your country
  • bakeware (cake pans...)
  • seeds from plants from your country (if it's allowed)
  • moomins stuff

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Tiens j'avais pas vu ce post! C'est drolement bien! Je savais que ça existe en France (mais pas tout à fait le même système, c'est plus les choses dont on ne veut plus et qu'on donne à n'importe qui capable de venir vous debarasser) Mais je trouve ça vraiment sympa cette espèce de "solidarité" internationale! lol
Dis-nous si tu trouves quelqu'un qui souhaites échanger!

Plume a dit…

Chachou, en fait si tu regarde sur le site le contenu des collis il s'agit plus de d'envoyer des petits cadeaux et d'en recevoir que d'échanger des objets utiles...
Mais c'est justement ce qui rend l'expérience tentante!

Paz a dit…

Would love to do a swap!! I am from the east coast in America (NY and Conneticut)

Let me know!!!


Young Smarties a dit…

Hi hi...

I just joined the swap-team and would love to swap with you. I'm from Singapore and my blog is at http://iloveswap.blogspot.com/

Hope to hear from you soon!


Young Smarties a dit…
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pink pixie a dit…

Bonjour! I'm from Singapore and i'm currently learning the french language.

I see you like cooking. Moi aussi, but i am not a great cook.. still learning :(

I am able to get bento accessories and hello kitty, pucca here in sunny island singapore.

Drop by my blog and see if you would like to swap with me :D

Anonyme a dit…

Greetings from the Philippines! :] I am Karen whilst some people prefer to call me Kariin. I live in the city so i can probably get anything you want from the sunny Philippines. I love to write poetry. I also love arts and i am a great sketch so i can probably send you some of my artworks too. I am very interested in swapping with you. Please have the time to stumble upon my swap list, www.starkek.blogspot.com/2007/20/post-2.html and i hope you find anything that would interest you.

I hope to hear from you soon. I'm not really into limitations so if you want anything, just ask. And please insert your website URL when you reply. My email is fragilekapkek@yahoo.com. Thank you very much.

Young Smarties a dit…

Hi Plume,

I saw your reply on my blog. I can swap with you in Jan. I am working on some swap at the moment. Let me know if you are ok to swap in January. :)


Unknown a dit…

Hi! My name is Kathryn and I'm from the USA. I just recently joined Gimme Your Stuff. :) I was wondering if you'd like to swap with me?

I can send you: food/snacks, ribbons, beads, fabric, books of your choice, recipes, bakeware, and gardening seeds! If there's anything else that you'd like just ask..

My swapping website can be found at: http://www.datturra.vox.com
If you are interested, have a look and leave me a comment.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi there, I'm Michelle from Singapore, would love to do a small swap with you! Here's my page: http://heysuperhero.livejournal.com/11732.html?thread=90580

Let me know if you're interested!

Anonyme a dit…

Hello, I am Eun Mi from korea. I now live in the USA :) I have lots of korean snacks and candies. I would like to trade with you for french snacks and candies. If you are interested, email me at x_xeunx_x@yahoo.com